Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Another Photo Post

Briefly about current happenings: we are going through language proficiency testing. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but we should all pass. I'm learning Twi, which is one of the most popular languages in Ghana. On Sunday we are packing our bags and are heading for more training sessions to Kumasi and Tamale. We are also going to visit our sites where we will spend the next two years! Very exciting time indeed.

But now - more pics from Ghana!

My homestay sister Effia (her name means "born on Friday").

Cocoa pods.

Awesome tree (don't know its name, will need to find out).

On the way to the church. All ladies here are pretty stylish!

Old Presby Church where we do some of our training sessions.

Walls and posters. It's very moist around here, so all walls are moldy.

On the way to the local farm for tech. training. So far we learnt about grafting, budding, container gardening, organic fertilizers and pest control traps and how to handle pigs and rabbits.

Village scene. I buy snacks from those vendor ladies all the time. My favorites are cassava fried balls (taste like tater tots), bofrout (tastes like a semi-sweet donut), roasted ground-nuts (peanuts) and fried plantain chips.

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